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How it works

Organizing your email send-outs

You can send different kinds of emails (e.g newsletters, product information and agreement renewals). In order to distinguish between them in Lime CRM you should have one consent type for each kind of email activity.

You can then map a consent type to one or more publications in Lime Marketing.
So if you have a consent type called "product information" in Lime CRM, you can map that to the publications "Product A customers" and "Product B customers".

1. Create a marketing activity

You start out by creating a marketing activity with type=mailing (unless you have configured something else) in Lime CRM. If you want Lime to be the master of consent you should link a consent type to the marketing activity. Only persons with this consent will then be imported to Lime Marketing.

Then you add participants to that marketing activity. They need to have a valid email address and the right consent if you work with consent. In the default configuration, the participants are assumed to be persons, but you can change that to whatever lime object you want using the Lime Admin config.

2. Design email

When you have created a marketing activity and added participants you go to you Lime Marketing site. Create an email from the publication that you want and select a template to start with. Then, use the editor to design a nice-looking email.

3. Get recipients

When done designing your email you will want to get the recipients. Press "Add recipient list" in Lime Marketing and then "Lime CRM". This will go fetch all marketing activities found in Lime CRM with the status planed or ongoing (unless you have configured something else). If a marketing activity is linked to a consent type, only people with the consent type will be added as recipients. If a marketing activity doesn't have a consent type, all participants in the marketing activity will be added.

4. Send

When you have added the recipient you can choose to send the email now or schedule it. When the email is sent, a mailing and a list of recipients will be created in Lime CRM. The mailing will get the status "sent" and statistics will be added to the recipients.

5. Follow up recipient statuses

For each mailing that is sent to a marketing activity a record is created in the Mailing tab in Lime CRM. A mailing could look something like this:


All mailing recipients will appear in the recipient tab and a status field will tell the status of the mailing.



When Newsletter encounters problems sending email to an address, the recipient will receive the Bounced status. If the problem is permanent (e.g the email address no longer exists) the Email hard bounce field will be updated on the person in Lime CRM.


If the recipient clicks a link in the email a Link click card will be created in Lime connected to the Mailing and configured recipient (e.g. Person or Company). It is then possible to get a simple overview of all link clicks for your mail email or for a specific person. A link click contains information about the click like URL, name and click-time. It is also possible to add a value and category to your link.


Mail openings

When an email is opened by a recipient and the emailopeningenabled field in the configuration is set to True a Mail opening will be added to the Mailing and the Person connected to the recipient. The mail opening contains a timestamp of the opening.


Opt in and out

The integration handles opt-in and opt-out events coming from Lime Marketing by using consents in Lime. If the consenttype mapping is set up, the consents will control who is transferred to Lime Marketing when importing recipients to an email. Only approved consents for the marketing activity's specified consent type will be synced. Otherwise all participants from the marketing activity in Lime will be synced.

The following rules apply to opt-in:

  • If a person opts in to a publication configured in consenttype mappings those consents are updated/created and approved is checked.

  • If an unknown email opts in to a publication configured in optinsettings - a limeobject of your choice is created. If this feature is not active, an event will be published to the Lime CRM event queue containing the opt-in information.

And these are the rules for opt-out:

  • If person.totaloptout is checked - that person is not transferred to Lime Marketing.

  • If marketing activity.consenttype is set - only persons with an approved consent of that type is transferred to Lime Marketing and any opt-out data in Lime Marketing is removed for those persons. Lime is the master of consents.

  • If a person opts out from a publication configured in consenttypemappings - that/those consents are updated/created and approved is unchecked.

  • If a person opts out from a publication not configured in consenttypemappings but the marketing activity is using a consenttype - that consent is updated/created and approved is unchecked.

  • If a person does a total opt out in Lime Marketing, all the configured consenttypes are updated/created and approved is unchecked - person.totalopout is also set if that exists.

Object content

If you want to fetch data from Lime CRM into the content of a newsletter you can use the objectcontent integration. You can insert any data from a lime object as long as it's accessible from a lime-query.


First you need to configure the addon configuration in Lime Admin according to the instructions here. Then you create a content block in Lime Marketing by going to Archive -> Content blocks. Create a new content block and make sure to include the queryname from your configuration. Read more about object content here

Finally you insert the content block into the editor and search for your matching lime objects.


You will be able to preview the data before inserting it in the mail content. Possible errors will also be displayed in this state.


In your email content you will now see the Lime CRM data. You can style how the data is displayed with the help of Vue, HTML and CSS.
