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Configuration in Lime Admin

Open Lime admin -> Add-ons/Settings -> Newsletter -> Config Instance from the webclient.


If you are upgrading from an older version of lime-newsletter to version 3.0 or later: try to save the config and fix possible errors.

If you are setting up a new integration:

  1. Click Add item
  2. Insert an unique Config instance name (It can be left as default for most cases)
  3. Check Integration is enabled
  4. Check 'Not sent status' enabled
  5. Insert your Consent source. This needs to be one of the keys from the consent.source option field, if you installed the consent lip-package it should be newsletter.
  6. Click Save
  7. Set up the Required limetypes by selecting the corresponding limetypes for each limetype setting (Participant, Campaign, Person, Mailing and Recipient). Now the add-on will suggest properties for each limetype, change any properties that differs between the customer database and the lip-package.
  8. Add your importfields under Participant limetype settings. This is the data that will be synced from participants in lime-crm to recipients in lime-marketing. Id and email are required for the integration to work but you can add how many fields you want. Remember that the property path starts from the participant object so to add the participant's person's company name you write
  9. If you want to filter on which campaigns will be selectable from lime-marketing you can add campaign types and campaign statues under Campaign limetype settings.
  10. Set up the Optional Limetypes (consent, linkclick and emailopening) if any of these tables should be used. Remember that linkclickenabled and emailopeningenabled must be activated to be able to use linkclick and emailopenings.
  11. Set up Consenttype mapping by mapping consenttypes to Lime Marketing publication id's.
  12. Optional: Set up Object content
  13. Optional: Set up Optin settings
  14. Save the config

It is possible to edit the config in the JSON view if you click show code editor.

An example of what a valid config may look like can be found HERE.

Before you proceed

  • Can you save the config?
  • Have you changed to config instance name from default? (If you have more than one config instance)

If tables and fields don't follow default setup

The following steps are only necessary if the database does not follow the default setup or if you are using another table than person as recipients.

Things you need to change
- Tables and fields if they don't follow the default setup. All table names and fields are validated when saving the config so if there are any errors you'll be notified. newsletter-company-person

Using the company table instead of the person table

These fields needs to be changed to company instead of person in the config:

  • consent.person
  • participant.person
  • person.limetype
  • recipient.person

Set up cards and views in Lime Web client

This step is only necessary if Newsletter is supposed to be used from the Lime CRM Web Client.


If you installed lime-newsletter with the addon-installer the views are added automatically but you will need to modify the already existing views (Marketing Activity, Participant, Person, Company etc.)

Configure the views and cards for all tables added by the LIP package installation.

If you have the default setup you can import the views found HERE. In these example views only mailing is configured to be shown in the "Global tables" menu, but you can of course configure the other views to also be shown in the menu.

Also show:

  • mailing as a relation on the campaign card.
  • consenttype as a field on the campaign card and table view.
  • total opt-out as a field on the person card and table view.
  • emailhardbounce as a field on the person card and table view.
  • recipient as a relation on the person card.
  • consent as a relation on the person card.
  • linkclick as a relation on the person card. Only if they are going to use the link click feature.
  • emailopening as a relation on the person card. Only if they are going to use the email opening feature.

Web component on the mailing card

lime-newsletter contains a webcomponent that can display the email content and statistics view for a mailing on a custom tab. It is automatically added by the addon-installer but it can also be added manually by following these instructions

To add a link to Lime Marketing in the user menu in the webclient, enable the following in config.yaml or in CAFE.

    app_name: <app_name_here>

Add the integration in Lime Marketing

Log in to your Lime Marketing site and go to Administration -> Integrations and add a Lime CRM integration from the button in the top left corner.

Enter the URL to newsletter -> application webclient base URL + /newsletter.

The base URL is the webclient url/application name, whereas the application name is the name of the solution where newsletter is installed. It is the same url as you find in the API docs up until /api, see example below.


In Lime API docs you can find the url, and then you insert it in Lime Marketing like this:


Enter the API-key for the integration to use.

The Configuration page will look like this with quite a few validation errors and warnings. This is OK, fix the warnings by filling out the required information and click validate at the top left corner. It's really important that you get the URL and API key correct - we won't be able to give you any hints until it's correct.

Leave the configuration name empty unless you have changed the config name from default in Lime admin.


The column settings are specified in the Lime CRM Admin config under importfields. Map each importfield to a recipient property. The required ones are email and an id for the person in Lime CRM.


Lastly you will be able to see your consent mappings from the Lime CRM Admin config listed here.



If everything is validating and no more errors are displayed you are ready to verify.

  1. Create a test marketing activity in Lime CRM.
  2. Add yourself as a participant.
  3. Create a mail message in Lime Marketing.
  4. Import the participant list from the marketing activity you just made in Lime CRM.
  5. Send the email.
  6. Open the email and click on some links.
  7. Follow up the link clicks and email opening in Lime (if you have that configured)

Design customer templates

If everything works, you are done with the configuration. Now it's time to:

  • design the customer email template
  • edit the publication settings
  • configure the sending domain.

Follow the Newsletter Delivery instructions HERE. For Lime empolyees only.

Sending newsletters to multiple Lime Objects

It's possible to have several configurations, for example if you want to do send-outs to companies in addition to the standard persons.

To have more than one configuration simply click Add item under Config instance in the left hand menu and set up the configuration following the steps above for setting up a new integration

Make sure that you set an unique name for the new config instance.

Create a new Lime CRM integration in Lime Marketing and set the Configuration name to the new instance name and add a new recipient property for the id property, for example company id.

Changing Unique Recipient Property in Lime Marketing

A unique recipient property in Lime Marketing is used to find existing recipients when importing a list. By default, this is the email address, and that will work in 99% of our customer solutions. If the unique recipient property is changed at any point while the customer’s Lime Marketing solution is live, all functionality that is based on the former unique property will be affected. In order to change the unique property for a Lime Marketing application all existing recipients needs to have unique values for the property that will become the new unique property.

These features stop working or behave differently when not using email as the unique property.

  • Subscription forms (the unique property is mandatory for a recipient)
  • Imports - a workaround must be implemented to import to the unique property
  • Duplicates - (since email is no longer unique, it's possible to import the same email address multiple times for the same send-out)


It's in very rare and complex setups that this change is needed. You most likely don't have to change this.

unique recipient property

Configuring legacy config in Lime Admin

If you are using the newsletter 1.0 integration you can edit the legacy config from the JSON editor. It will only be visible if you already have an old config in your database.


The legacy config is validated and saved just like the new config and can be used alongside the new config.


Example Lime Admin Configurations

These are the standard configurations for the runtime config and webclient views that can be imported in Lime Admin.

Runtime config

Click here to open the example config

Example views (webclient)

Mailing - mailings

Click here to open the example view

Mailing recipient - recipient

Click here to open the example view

Click here to open the example view

Click here to open the example view

Click here to open the example view

Email opening - emailopening

Click here to open the example view