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When upgrading lime-newsletter to version 5.2 or later you will be able to view and edit the legacy config (newsletter 1.x). The old config will not be automatically migrated and you will have to manually configure a new config in the lime-admin UI following the instructions for a new installation.

Upgrading from 4.x to 5.x

Make sure that you add the three new keys for "not sent due to.." to the sendoutstatus field on mailing recipient.
- not_sent_due_to_optout, not_sent_due_to_bounce and not_sent_due_to_shared_block_list

Enable the 'Not sent status' functionality by checking 'Not sent status' enabled on the start page for each configuration instance.

Upgrading from lime-newsletter version 3.x to 4.x

If you are using limepkg-newsletter-pro you can now change the webcomponents from lwc-limepkg-newsletter-pro-iframed-content to lwc-lime-newsletter-iframed-content and remove the dependecy to newsletter-pro.

Lime Newsletter is now using the addon-installer instead of LIP. If you need to add an extra relation to mailing recipient it can be done by running the addon-installer again instead of manually adding the fields in LISA.

Upgrading from lime-newsletter version 2 to 3.x

The configuration should automatically be migrated from the old JSON structure to the Lime-Admin UI, but there might be validation errors. Make sure that the config can be saved and fix possible validation errors before proceeding.


If the config for some reason gets wiped after upgrading you can find the old config in the database in the sys_data table under the key newsletter and version 0.

Upgrading from lime-newsletter version 1.x to 2.x

Lime-newsletter 2 uses more or less the same tables and fields in Lime CRM. Add the missing required fields from here.

Then you need to make sure lime-newsletter is installed on the Lime server Continue to configure lime-newsletter.

Deactivate the version 1 Lime-newsletter integration found in Lime Marketing -> Administration -> Integrations.